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(WORKING) Nicks-Fix "Continuous IPA Filtration" system
The alcohol used to wash UV resin printed parts can get slimy as snot in no time at all; fortunat...
Limited experiences with nozzles and wear
After printing hundreds of kilograms of filament through several printers and consequently destro...
Why use Carbon Fiber composite filament?
Most people enjoy the semi-matte finish and chatoyant appearance that carbon composites can provi...
Printing the first layer can be frustrating for the do-it-all hobbyist since everything is always...
3D Printed Lock Stuff
The home 3D printer provides the amateur locksmith a significant advantage over those without. T...
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When that thing failed, I learned...
This is the place for all those lessons learned the HARD WAY!
"Catch All" for anything that doesn't have enough content for it's own "Book"
General 3D Printing
Place for stuff that applies to more than one type of 3D Printing
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Lock Stuff and where to buy them!
UV Resin printers
There are several types and styles of Resin Printer: SLA, MSLA, DLP, etc. The commonality among ...