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Raspberry Pi Zero W as Wifi USB Drive

This is NOT my work, I started at: and downloaded the 400meg zip file containing a preconfigured SD Image.

After booting the Pi Zero W, I changed the network config to match my use case and otherwise followed their directions.

It turns the RaspberyRaspberry Pi Zero 2 W into a WIFI accessible USB drive using an old micro USB charging cable to connect it to the OTG port on the Pi to the USB port of the 3D printer or other computer.

The transfer2.4MHz speedsWIFI areused EXTREMELYby SLOW,the Pi Zero W is SLOW, but fully functional.  functional!

I have it connected to my resin printer and I have the Pi mapped in windows as a shared SAMBA drive. 

I can slice files for the printer, drop them into the folder, turn on the heater and get resin in the VAT, and by that time it's ready to print.print the files I dropped into the folder. (5 min or less typically)